Monday, October 08, 2007

JERRY LEWIS-- UNDER THE PROTECTION OF THE BUSH REGIME, GETS A PASS FROM BOEHNER; HE'S RUNNING AGAIN: FOR OFFICE AND FROM "THE LAW" Although the Bush Regime keeps hiring and firing U.S. Attorney's for southern California in an attempt to keep the Jerry Lewis bribery investigations from ever moving forward, early this summer Bob Novak reported that Lewis would resign. The usually well-informed Republican propagandist got it wrong. Instead, the Justice Department replaced yet another U.S. Attorney and Lewis says he's running for re-election. (It also looks like he's gotten the same shill candidate, Louie Contreras, who didn't run against him in 2006 to be his "opponent" in 2008 - and the state of Art Torres' California Democratic Party is so pathetic that they won't even lift a finger to look into it.)

So Lewis, probably the single most corrupt man in Congress, has the Republican nomination locked up and the Democratic nomination rigged. All he has to do is not get indicted. He's spent over a million dollars in legal fees to keep that from happening. And according to Novak, John Boehner hopped on board Lewis' corruption train on Wednesday at a "secret meeting" of the House Republican leadership, where he "ruled that Rep. Jerry Lewis of California will continue as the party's ranking member of the Appropriations Committee while under federal investigation on ethics charges."

Little Howdy Doody (R-FL) and others who are afraid the party will sink even further if it is associated with crooks like Lewis squawked and squeaked - but to no avail. "Under investigation for sponsoring questionable earmarks, Lewis remains a major Republican spokesman in Congress... Republican reformers complain that Boehner imposes a double standard that is harsher on rank-and-file members of Congress than on leaders. While Lewis keeps his leadership position on Appropriations, Rep. John Doolittle left the committee in April because he is a federal corruption target."

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