Sunday, December 27, 2009

Oh, No! Kevin’s Back!

MAUREEN DOWD, The New York Times: As my brother Kevin headed off to Christmas Eve Mass in the Maryland suburbs, I asked him how he thought the first year of Barack Obama had gone.

He didn’t have to pray long over that one. “Fine,” he replied, “if you like unmitigated disasters like the Hindenburg and the Redskins season.”

If it’s Christmas, it must be time for my conservative brother to take over my column and turn it a blazing shade of red.

So without further ado, here is Kevin unplugged, offering a perspective from “the real America,” as one of his favorite Republican philosophers, Sarah Palin, likes to put it:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Who could have guessed on Nov. 4, 2008, that the mood this Christmas would be so festive? Yet a feeling of optimism pervades as we watch the old Christmas movies and marvel at the winter wonderland on the Mall illuminated by our national Christmas tree. (No offense to that ardent Catholic Nancy Pelosi, who would prefer “holiday tree.”)

The Republicans, of course, got exactly what they deserved in 2006 and 2008 mainly because they acted like Democrats. Deficit spending and sex scandals are not a good recipe for success.
But by forcing through a government takeover of health care, the auto industry and the banks, the president and his Congressional henchmen have brought us in a time machine to Russia 1917. These massive changes have been done in secret and along bullying, straight party-line votes.

It is stunning to watch rich lawmakers driving their own expensive cars off the cliff and signing on to such a socialist agenda. In dismissing the tea parties and pushing through plans the American people obviously don’t want, they have made the fatal disconnect between the representatives and the represented.

President Obama continues life in the H.O.V. lane, fawned over by the press and the crowned heads of Europe. In between apologies, the president should have reminded those pompous blowhards that without our interference, they would all be speaking German.

My dad was a D.C. policeman, and I would like to apologize (not “recalibrate”) to the Cambridge police for the president’s assumption that they “acted stupidly.” You would think that Mr. Obama would have afforded the police the same consideration he gave to the mass-murdering Muslim Army major when he said: “I would caution against jumping to conclusions.”

The Fort Hood massacre was a direct result of Army policy too concerned with political correctness and “celebrating diversity.” It was a terrorist attack by any definition and the government still cannot say it.

President Obama should remember that Icarus tried to fly to the sun because, as he said, “it is the only thing in the universe that can match my brilliance.” How did that work out?
Here are some reflections for 2009:
  • To President Obama: Thank you for saving the Republican Party and for teaching all of us that too much of anything is a bad thing.
  • To Bill Clinton: You did too much work on Northern Ireland for the Nobel committee. Next time, do nothing.
  • To Harry and Nancy: “The Twilight Zone” once had an episode where the town got the exact opposite of what it wanted. Farewell, Harry!
  • To John McCain: Thank you for your chivalry in banning Palin attack dogs — including my sister — from the campaign plane.
  • To Sarah Palin: Keep up the good work. Anyone who annoys Keith Olbermann that much is a friend to all of us.
  • To Glenn Beck: Thanks for being the only journalist interested in stories that used to win Pulitzer Prizes.
  • To Al Franken: So, 250 years of Senate tradition trashed. Stuart Smalley would have done better.
  • To Desirée Rogers: Get back to the gate. Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson can’t get in.
    To the Salahis: Thank you for showing us that shame has no bottom.
  • To Valerie Jarrett: So much for the Olympic Village in Chicago. Whoops.
  • To Chris Dodd: The only thing lower than your polls is your mortgage interest rate.
  • To Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mike Mullen: The military should be more interested in the men and women who serve than in celebrating diversity.
  • To the Democratic senators: Go last next time; the bribes are much bigger.
  • To Sheldon Whitehouse: You, senator, are an idiot.
  • To Dick Cheney: You, sir, are a patriot. Thanks for firing back.
  • To President Bush: Thank you for your dignity. Did you really start the plague in the 14th century? Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
  • To Hillary: Who knew how much you would be missed?
  • To Al Gore: A global warming conference in the middle of a Copenhagen blizzard is not a good visual.
  • To Max Baucus, Eliot Spitzer and John Edwards: Party on, dudes.
  • To John Ensign, Mark Sanford and David Vitter: Don’t party on, dudes.

LSB: This asswipe (Kevin, NOT Maureen) sounds regretfully like the majority of my relatives.

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