Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Bush, unilaterally and out of nowhere, claims illegal power to spy on Americans' mail

The man is dangerously out of control.

With no authority whatsoever, Bush has decided that he has the right to violate US law and read our mail without first getting a judge's order. Why? Because he can. Well, actually, he can't. It's against the law. And what possibly can be Bush's excuse this time for spying on Americans illegally? The mail isn't going to get away if he gets the required court order before reading it. They can simply impound the letter, or whatever, that they want to search, and go to the judge and prove their case.

The Democratic congress, the people's congress, cannot come soon enough. Bush is a dangerous, incompetent, embarrassment to our entire country and our entire history. Republicans should be ashamed having voted for this man once, let alone twice. More from the NY Daily News.

by John in DC, AmericaBlog

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