Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Forget about Bush. He's toast. Constitutionally, above all.

Forget about Mark Foley. He's toast. Nothing will give the Republican base more hope than if the Democrats focus too much on "family values" vis a vis the Foley Scandal. Who knows how long before other Congressional e-mails surface with Democrats guilty of the same thing?
Don't rule that out.

Focus on Hastert. That do-nothing, lap dog Speaker of the House, who knew Foley was compromised and knew it quite a long time ago and did nothing, purely to maintain political power. Who saw the intelligence on Iraq, and knew what Bob Woodward is now all over the TV talking about and knew it a long time ago and did nothing, in order to maintain political power.

In two years, Bush will be gone. He will stay in Iraq to the end of the line, LBJ style, so that he can pass it off to the next guy (gal?). The only way to end the war is to vote for a Democratic Congress. The two lying, thieving oil whores in the White House won't do it. Rumsfeld, sadly, seems to simply not know how, as if crippled by some degenerative disease.

Hastert and Frist: two irresponsible fools who shirked their duty to the American people by letting the lunatics run the asylum without even a gesture of oversight or a note of opposition. Nothing. Nothing but shame on the Congress, shame on the people they represent back home and shame on the reputation of our great country around the world.

When you go into the voting booth this November, remember that it is not against the Republican Party that you must vote. It is against THIS Republican Party. The party not only of Bush and Cheney, but of Hastert and Frist, who let American soldiers die in Iraq unnecessarily. Who let Mark Foley exploit young men while Foley was working on the very Congressional committees charged with protecting children from people like Foley himself.

If Foley is guilty of the charges, hopefully someone in his life will do more for him than his Republican colleagues ever did and get him help. He may have a real problem. In the meantime, the Republicans in this Congress must go.

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