Sunday, October 15, 2006

How Would Jesus Vote?

Nancy Greggs:

On this single topic [abortion and its attendant issues of access to birth control, sex education, etc.], the Christian Right have been traditionally willing to throw the Baby Jesus out with the bath water. Upon hearing the words “right to choose”, they invariably stick their fingers in their ears in order to shut out everything else the Democratic Party has to say. That is an unfortunate fact, but a fact nonetheless.

So having put aside those two issues [abortion and current Republican lapses in moral leadership] for the moment, we are left with the obvious question: What else is it that the current crop of elected Republicans stand for, and have crafted into policy, that is in keeping with values of religious conservatives – or, for that matter, any people of faith?

The disconnect between what is morally just and the actions of the elected Republicans in control of our government for the past few years should be glaringly obvious. Where is the morality in a war that has caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis? Where is the adherence to Christian teaching in abandoning social programs that assist the hungry, the sick and the homeless? How does one equate moral rectitude with policies that have enriched and empowered the wealthy, while plunging the hard-working middle class into debt? Who can honestly condone the use of torture and consider it to be in keeping with anything remotely resembling Christian values?

“As you do to the least among you, so you do unto me.” And what has been done to the least among us by the Republicans currently in office is not, I would humbly suggest, what Jesus would consider to be a monumental display of moral values – not by a long shot.

LSB: Excellent commentary! I urge you to read all of Nancy’s essay.

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