Sunday, September 09, 2007

Shutting Down Big Downloaders

Kim Hart, The Washington Post: The rapid growth of online videos, music and games has created a new Internet sin: using it too much.

Comcast has punished some transgressors by cutting off their Internet service, arguing that excessive downloaders hog Internet capacity and slow down the network for other customers. The company declines to reveal its download limits.

"You have no way of knowing how much is too much," said Sandra Spalletta of Rockville, whose Internet service was suspended in March after Comcast sent her a letter warning that she and her teenage son were using too much bandwidth. They cut back on downloads but were still disconnected. She said the company would not tell her how to monitor their bandwidth use in order to comply with the limits.

"You want to think you can rely on your home Internet service and not wake up one morning to find it turned off," said Spalletta, who filed a complaint with the Montgomery County Office of Cable and Communication Services. "I thought it was unlimited service."

As Internet service providers try to keep up with the demand for increasingly sophisticated online entertainment such as high-definition movies, streaming TV shows and interactive games, such caps could become more common, some analysts said. (More)

LSB: Color me confused - wasn't the Internet developed with PUBLIC DOLLARS for the PUBLIC GOOD? When did the PUBLIC lose control to CORPORATE PROFITS? And if the ISPs can eavesdrop on your emails and monitor your downloads, why can't they stop spam and email viruses?

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