Tuesday, December 23, 2008

"The God that he’s praying to is not the God that I know."

TowleRoad.com: Gay Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson, who advised Obama several times during his campaign, weighed in on the invitation to Rick Warren, and said that hearing about the selection was like was like "a slap in the face.":
"I’m all for Rick Warren being at the table, but we’re not talking about a discussion, we’re talking about putting someone up front and center at what will be the most watched inauguration in history, and asking his blessing on the nation. And the God that he’s praying to is not the God that I know."
LSB: This invitation is incredibly disappointing, and no matter how much sturm und drang is employed by the backers of Prop 8 in attempting to get Warren’s invitation rescinded – it ain’t happenin’, folks.
Obama fucked up… and he knows it now, but to try to disinvite Warren at this point would be seen to those on the right that Obama is trying to reach as a capitulation to the “pedophiles.” [Sidebar: As a gay man I am interested in other gay MEN – not kids. Hell, for me men don’t become interesting until they’re in their 40’s. Besides, aren’t most pedophiles self-proclaimed heterosexuals?]
If Warren had any class he’d excuse himself from the gig so as not to be a distraction from the momentous and historic occasion this will be. But Warren is as much a publicity whore as… well, Kathy Griffin (no offense, but she’s said this of herself in the past I feel alright repeating it), so there is no chance Warren will graciously step aside.
Here’s how all of this will play out:
  • Obama, Warren and their minions will continue to say this invitation to a dialogue is an effort to “reach across” the political divide (which, of course, is complete bull shit, as this will only be seen by those on the right for the stunt that it is, and the right will continue to talk about Obama as a baby killer and gay lover);
  • We ‘gays’ will continue to beat out chests and denounce this invitation; we will write letters and blog ad infinitum; we will make signs and march in protest (because we love a parade); and we will make the argument that this is about civil rights to the same crowd that knows it and doesn’t care about our civil rights; and
  • The inaugural will come and go, and the only controversy on the day of the event will be about Michelle’s gown – did we like it or not. And on the day AFTER the swearing-in, the new administration will still have no openly gay cabinet members, DOMA will still be the law of the land, and military gays will still not ‘ask nor tell.’
So does that mean nothing is to be done? NO! Civil rights have never come from the politicians – either Congress or the Executive Branch – as they are too beholding to the voting public; civil rights have always come from the courts. Therefore, all of our efforts need to focus on the highest courts of the land and the appointment of the justices to those courts that are fair-minded individuals not steeped in the religious bigotry of the simple-minded preachers who are out front yelling as loud as they can trying to distract us.
Sure, it would have been great to celebrate this historic inauguration with ‘hope’ and ‘change’ floating through the crowds. I never believed Obama would be the leader that would bring anything more than change to the courts. From Donny McClurkin to Jeremiah Wright to Rick Warren, Obama’s choice of preachers has always been problematic; however, I want to believe – and I choose to believe – that the justices Obama appoints to the Federal Courts and the Supreme Court will be the leaders we can really hang our hopes on.
So I’ll continue to blog and rant and rave about this appointment even though I know it is a done deal so that the message is clear: We’re here, we’re queer, and our hope is in the courts.

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