Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rep. Kucinich introduces Bush impeachment resolution

AP in the Chicago Tribune: Rep. Dennis Kucinich, a former Democratic presidential contender, said Monday he wants the House to consider a resolution to impeach President Bush.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi consistently has said impeachment was "off the table."
Kucinich, D-Ohio, read his proposed impeachment language in a floor speech. He contended Bush deceived the nation and violated his oath of office in leading the country into the Iraq war.
Kucinich introduced a resolution last year to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney. That resolution was killed, but only after Republicans initially voted in favor of taking up the measure to force a debate.
LSB: Way to go, Rep. Kucinich! Shame on you, Rep. Pelosi. Sure, I'm a realist - in an election year with partisan politics permeating every debate I know this isn't going anywhere. In fact, it may make the Dems look petty, it takes time away from the more pressing matters that actually might be undertaken by the full House, and certainly (though Kucinich is a nice guy) the presenter isn't a leader that anyone is willing to follow. Still, it's nice to know that this Administration's criminal activity is once again being noted for - the record - on the floor of the House. In comparison to the Watergate cover-up and Monica's lip service, lying to the public in order to start a war is more serious.
UPDATE:Kucinich Forces Vote On Bush's Impeachment. LSB: Finally some recognition by the main stream media. Only Olbermann has commented until now on the Kucinich resolution. The obstructionist Dem leaders have allowed the Bush administration a free pass on all of their crimes against the nation. Thank heavens for Kucinich, Wexler, Waxman, Conyers and a few others that are trying to keep the executive branch accountable.

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